Senin, 04 Februari 2008

I Just Simply Don't Know

Just Simply Don't Know

tulisan ini adalah tentang seorang gadis yang sering ditanyain orang2 ke gw.. sepertinya perasaan gw kedia emang uda jadi rahasia publik apalagi anak2 34.. jadi inilah jawaban semua pertanyaan kalian...

I don't know what she really means to me..
I don't know whether it's love or curiosity..
I don't know it's because her looks or personality..
I don't know it's because the guilty feeling or the memory..
I don't know it's bring me a happiness or even misery..
I don't know it would last forever or it just temporary..

I don't know why do I had this kind of feeling..
I don't know why there's something wrong when I saw her coming..
I don't know why can't I just keep on moving..
I don't know why I do something that always makes me stumbling..

I don't know it's my past or my wish..
I don't know how this feeling will ceased..
I don't know how big or strong it is..
I don't know why there's "forget-her" in my to-do list..

So please don't ask me any question no more..
Because everything I say would just turned into a lie because I don't know what's the truth is.. Ijust simply don't know..

3 komentar:

fallissa ananda putri mengatakan...

ah parah parah parah! gw ga nyangka lo bisa nulis yg kayak bgini!

Anonim mengatakan...

hmm,,,seperti yang pernah gw's short..too short to live as a bitter person ,ceng..

fight like hell to find ur motivation, ur heart, ur sincere smile..

cos sometimes its not just about forgetting,,its about let go..Jangan berusaha lupa ceng..berusaha untuk cari hal-hal baru dalam hidup lo..

Percaya ato gak,,saat lo buat komitmen ama org,itu bakal selalu ada di hati lo..gbs dilupain..percaya deh,,

The question is..
Isnt ur life worth remembering too? Yang lo punya sekarang ga bakal keulang ceng,,sekarang dan segala kesempatan yang terbuka buat lo masi buanyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakk.. Maybe u should stop saying "i dont know" and start with something " i know" ..cari hal2 yang buat lo mensyukuri kehidupan lo yang sekarang,,lo bakal ngerasa happy lagii,,


smangat cenggss..

maav kalo sotoy,,emang gw sotoy anaknya,,hihi

Posted by: timms | February 6, 2008 06:55 PM

Anonim mengatakan...

nice blog looh by the way,,mungkin lo mesti mencoba ikut kuliahh gw di komunikasi,,hihi

Posted by: timms | February 6, 2008 06:56 PM