Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2009

The Last Jigsaw-Puzzle of a Man

Man's body created by god with a strong and comprehensive bone structure. One of the purpose I believe is to protect the fragile inner organs. One of the most fragile is the heart. It is supposed to be protected by 12 pairs of ribs. Many of us believe in story about how God has taken some part of the ribs of Adam which occasionally used to created Eve to accompany him.

Maybe it is the only reason why Adam love Eve it is because she was his missing rib, she was and always has to be a part of him. Maybe it is the explanation why a women is said to be what man required to completed their success. Or even it is also the factor of why many man has thrown away almost everything they got just to get or protect their beloved one.

Around 40 BC a man named Marc Antony threw away his glory and greatness by committing suicide over a woman named Cleopatra whom he taught has dead already. 12 BC Paris of troy stole the wife of Spartan King, Helen which then cause a very massive war among them. Marc Anthony maybe has achieved so many in battles or politics, Paris maybe a happy prince of troy but something must make them kind think twice about it. History, myth, roman, has so many story about a man who loves a women so deeply, and love them more then they love them self. Story that makes us think that Bruce Wayne isn't got everything he wants. Story that make us understand the purpose of Taj Mahal been built.

I think it is also the the proved that maybe the basic instinct of a man is to gain power, to get achievement, or to seized everything he ever wants. But it can not be denied that man is also wants every piece of everything he demands including the missing piece of them. About the reason, maybe it is needed to make them completely happy, maybe it is the last and stronger protector of their fragile hearts. Or maybe it is because their instinct to protect and get what once is theirs.

To find the missing rib must be not a very easy job to do maybe you have yo wait for years maybe you have to work your self, maybe you have to travel thousand miles, maybe you have to fight your way, maybe you have to sacrifice some of your precious, maybe you have to win, maybe you have to loose. Or may be you just have to clear your mind and open your heart. And when you found it, it is like finishing the last jigsaw-puzzle piece and nothing else they want except to protect it till the end.

2 komentar:

a. sarahayu mengatakan...

tumben di-update ceng hehehe :D

Titis Andari mengatakan...

hey ceng, this entry is quite a profound thought. ijin main2 yak. hehe